Who are we?
We are a group of individuals of various ages and backgrounds tenacious in our heart-filled determination to safeguard this magnificent park in the centre of Vancouver Island.

Call For Volunteers
The FOSP directors will be performing some work on the Bedwell Trail, the portion that connects Bedwell Lake to the head of Bedwell Sound on the west coast of Vancouver Island. We are planning a work party next summer from Thursday, August 15 – Wednesday, August 21st to brush out the trail and install additional markers to make it easier to follow. After this is done parks’ staff will hike the route and look at what needs doing to improve creek crossings.
We are hoping some of you will volunteer to help with this project. It will be lots of fun and working to improve this access will be very satisfying. Click the link below to find out more, and to register.

We love the mountainous wilderness of Strathcona Provincial Park, enjoy spending time on its trails and routes, and are committed to saving the park for the generations to come. The park needs Friends to speak up for the preservation of its wildness, to protect it from commercial encroachment, government underfunding and neglect.
Friends of Strathcona Park (FOSP) is a not-for-profit society with charity status (donations are tax-deductible) based in the Comox Valley. We welcome new members wherever you live. Our volunteer work includes research, advocacy (including court challenges), sparking interest in conservation, and trail repair.
Annual membership fees ($10) and additional donations pay for the costs of public meetings, court challenges, communications, park work expeditions.
For membership, please get in touch via email.
Preserve and protect the natural beauty of Strathcona Park for the appreciation of present and future generations.