Coast to Alpine: Revitalizing the Bedwell Valley Trail

By John Milne
The history of the FOSP trail dates back to the 1990s. This project aimed to restore the Bedwell
Valley to the park after it had been removed by the government of the time, citing that “it
always rains there, so it has low park value.” Much of the valuable timber was exchanged to
acquire parkland elsewhere. FOSP also recognized an additional benefit: the trail would create a
coast-to-coast route, connecting Buttle Lake to the West Coast and Tofino. This unique
opportunity in the park remains to this day and is now used by mountaineers looping over
Mount Tom Taylor and Mariner Mountain before returning to Bedwell Lake.
The 2024 summer trail work took place from August 15th to 21st, with the goal of clearing the
Lower Bedwell Trail and installing additional metal markers to improve navigation. Following
this, B.C. Parks was to assess creek crossings and develop plans for future improvements. The
Friends of Strathcona Park (FOSP) organizers were Marlene Smith and John Milne. Participants
included Ian Holm, Dave Osmond, Petra Strougal (trip leader), and Susan Holvenstot from the
Comox Valley, Sean Anderson from Nanaimo, and Tim Hanson from Campbell River.
On August 15th, the group was driven from Courtenay to Tofino by FOSP, where they took a
water taxi to the head of Bedwell Sound, landing at Clayoquot Wilderness Lodge. (The cost of
the water taxi for six people was $600, covered by FOSP.) Lodge staff transported them as far
up the valley as possible, after which they hiked and camped at the Gayle McGee Bridge
outside the park. From there, they worked their way up the Bedwell Valley, tackling long days
of strenuous trail maintenance. On the fourth day, the weather deteriorated into steady,
sometimes heavy, rain that persisted for the remainder of the trip.

Daily Work Summary:
Day 1: After hiking in, the group managed to clip the trail for about an hour and a half before
the day’s end.
Day 2: Trail clipping continued for eight hours.
Day 3: The group reached Blaney Creek and performed heavy clipping.
Day 4: Persistent rain; heavy clipping and additional trail markers installed. Camp remained in
the same location as the previous night.
Day 5: Ten hours of work in the rain. This section of the trail was difficult to follow. Some
markers were added, but minimal brushing occurred due to the small crew size. Camping took
place at You Creek.
Day 6: Work continued from You Creek towards Ashwood Creek. Additional trail markers were
placed, but more brushing is needed. Wooden culverts along the old roadbed have begun to

rot, creating hazards that need evaluation. The group left You Creek at 11:30 a.m. and arrived
at Bedwell Lake between 6:30 and 7:15 p.m., with the rain still falling.
Day 7: The team hiked out to the Jim Mitchell Lake Road trailhead, where they were picked up
at 2 p.m. by Jamie Boulding from Strathcona Park Lodge. FOSP treated the group to dinner in
Campbell River.

Challenges and Observations:
The trip proved more demanding than anticipated. The information FOSP received regarding
the required work underestimated the effort needed. A larger crew and better weather
conditions would have allowed for greater progress.
Creek crossings became more challenging after the rainfall. The big slide, previously dry,
required careful crossing due to water flow. The K2 Creek crossing, currently consisting of two
yellow cedar logs with a hand rope, remains a significant safety concern. While the logs are still
sound, they will eventually deteriorate. The crossing is positioned at the top of a waterfall with
a considerable drop, making it a prime candidate for a bridge. Previously, hikers forded the
creek upstream, but this option is less ideal. The current site has a solid rock base for anchoring
a bridge and is free from snow creep issues. One trail worker suggested a prefabricated bridge
could be placed via helicopter, an option worth exploring.
It was also noted that hikers visiting Bedwell Lake and Cream Lake might enjoy hiking partway
down this trail to experience old-growth forest, waterfalls, and scenic views without
committing to the full westward route.

Future Plans:
On December 4th, John Milne, Marlene Smith, and Ian Holm met with Jessie Moore and Aaron
Miller of B.C. Parks to review the trip’s accomplishments and discuss next steps. Ian presented
slides showcasing the work completed, challenges faced, and the breathtaking scenery of the

The highest priority identified was replacing the K2 Creek bridge due to safety and liability
concerns. Additional work includes more brushing and clearing blowdowns. Between You Creek
and Ashwood, the trail follows an old logging road that is now heavily eroded with significant
blowdown. An alternative route on a ridge above this section could provide a better alignment.
More brushing is also needed in the Maple Grove and Sundew Lake areas, where the trail
crosses Ashwood Creek and climbs to a notch that is currently difficult to locate and follow.

FOSP is seeking an engineer to collaborate with B.C. Parks on designing a bridge for the K2
Creek crossing. The estimated span is approximately 30 feet, with solid rock on both sides for
anchoring. If you or someone you know is interested, please reach out via the membership
form or by emailing John Milne at

Naming the Trail:
The trail has been referred to by various names, and FOSP would like to settle on a permanent
designation. Current name suggestions include:
 Centennial Trail
 Bedwell Valley Trail
 Ocean to Alpine Trail

Call to Action:
After discussions with B.C. Parks, the next phase involves placing a bridge over K2 Creek and
possibly clearing brush from there to Bedwell Lake. Work on the section leading to the
landslide, You Creek, and Sundew Lake is planned for 2026.

To transition from a political activist group to a proactive partner in trail restoration, FOSP
needs the help of park users and outdoor enthusiasts. Constructing a wilderness bridge and
rerouting a backcountry trail are rewarding experiences. If you are interested in volunteering or
know others who might be, please contact John Milne or Marlene Smith or reach out through
our website.

We are ready to support you in making a difference!